relaxing massage services

5 Reasons Why You Need A Relaxing Massage

When should you get a relaxing massage in abu dhabi? Well, if you’re looking for other reasons aside from wanting one then read on to learn more.

Stretching is great for softening up muscles and decreasing soreness (which means fewer headaches) but on top of that, you could get one in the hopes of managing your pain, easing some anxiety, easing conjunctivitis (or dry eyes), and so on. Some people feel a relaxing massage could help with pain management because it drives additional blood to the area.

Keep in mind that nothing should be done by the spoonful, as muscle relaxers are notorious for causing more problems than they solve. With that in mind, here’s the lowdown on relaxing massage as we go along.



Research shows massage is an effective treatment for helping people lose weight, mainly due to the central nervous system. What does this mean for you? Well, according to Harvard Medical School, “The pain-signaling pathways that help us take in information are blocked by the visceral organs, like our stomach and intestines.” Because this blockage is done in our pain centers, all that’s left is to appeal to our emotional centers. Massage can “open the channels” in these pathways to let more information move through the brain, risking overheating and eventually dropping some pounds (also true for number crunchers).


Visceral massage can also help with digestion, and studies show that people who receive a calming massage before a meal are less likely to experience heartburn or indigestion the next day. People who receive a massage after a meal experience decreased heartburn symptoms as well.


Massage is an incredibly well-known tool to boost mood. Frequently keeping a positive mood is a key component to keeping the chronic pain you’ve got from worsening. So how do you get the best relaxing massage? Well, in one study patients who received a massage once a day reported losing more body fat than individuals who didn’t receive the message. This is in addition to the fact that people who get a massage often report feeling more alert. Combining these factors could be beneficial.


All types of massage are known to have mood-boosting properties, and some people have reported feeling calmer and empowered after being massaged.


Bowel movements (such as bowel retraction) are key to relieving constipation. Since muscles are stretched during a relaxing massage, you’ll be more relaxed, increasing the chances of bowel movements occurring (and less likely to push or step out), potentially leading to less cramping and diarrhea.


Research has shown the proof is in the pudding, and the results from studies show us relaxing massage is twice as effective as relaxing thermostats.

Although hiring a qualified therapist feels like an expensive way to spend a few dollars, studies show relaxing massage in Abu Dhabi is cheaper than hiring a thermostat and far more effective than taking a hot bath. So, is there really no better way to relax? Or are people just overly soft on their bodies?


Researchers from Ohio State University, University of Michigan, and Tulane University did a study looking at the effects of relaxing massage on wound healing after injury. Using part of the Fallacious Beliefs about Thermoregulation theory, they asked medical students to relax their muscles for three consecutive days between rounds of a simulated sports injury. (Yes, that’s a real injury, and student-athletes were asked to relax directly after the training).

22 volunteers originally signed up with the hopes of getting three relaxing sessions. On the fourth morning (day four) they each received massage or thermostat control. The results were remarkable:

Analysis of data from each treatment showed that both types of massage were effective at decreasing stiffness and increasing mobility in the muscle tissues. The only difference between them was that the thermostat control therapy decreased muscle temperature and muscle soreness. The results were as significant or more important if patients received a massage at 4 hrs than 14 hrs, and there was no difference between the control and massage sessions.

After each treatment patients also completed a questionnaire intended to measure pain and stiffness. Results showed that while most people felt less soreness after the massage sessions than they did after the hot bath, a minority of patients reported their muscle stiffness declined across the three days. That means, in simple terms, people are most effective at getting their muscles to relax if they do it outside of the hot tub.


Although we’re not saying a relaxing massage will get rid of those nasty post-injury muscle aches, we do think it’s a safe bet to give one during your next trip to the spa. We’re sure if you go there you’ll know what to do.

Massage can be a great way to relax from a saber-toothed cat or painful toothache. And while you may never find a physical therapist who specializes in chronic back pain or disc therapy (because anyone who does would probably also be considered cheating at massage), a normal massage will help you feel more relaxed.

Similarly, the qualities of a relaxing massage might influence whether it helps or hurts.

Unlike a stimulatory massage, in which you use more pressure to help release pressure points, a relaxing massage is a slower, more gentle method. You can feel massage less on your skin because, unlike with a toothache or saber-tooth offense, the pressure is in smaller areas that are forgotten when we’re trying to focus on something else. If an injury is happening I’ve found it best to remember “Let the pressure out.”

Also, when you’re relaxing you should be aware of the temperature. When you do have a painful injury stop what you’re doing immediately and get a cooling pad or towel to lay on.


Get into the massage chair and take the measurements mentioned above to create custom positions for your back. Research indicates our central nervous system has several “reading periods” during which it all happens. In this time we can feel and use our bodies in new ways.

A tilting massage table and sweep work on our posture in a specific way that is helpful for a back or hip injury, relieve sciatica or headaches, and provide a low-impact massage. Rolling, toe, and rotational massage work in this process as well, moving us in multiple directions. Basically, those at the receiving end of a massage are in a good position to be making low-level changes in bodily sensations that we may not have otherwise noticed. That’s a great way to pause in a busy world and become aware.


Healthy muscle tissue requires a pretty intense 2–3 week course of training or intense training for less if you want to match your muscles with your level of ability and skill. Resist the urge to power through and fatigue and spend time learning to sculpt your body. Do yoga, spend time in the gym, and push yourself to become more flexible and powerful. But let your mechanics and body know they are favored. Make yourself dominant.



We’ve talked a lot about the areas you should target for stabilization, flexibility, and mobility particularly when there’s an injury — we haven’t discounted the importance of your muscles being strong for our core stability, either.

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